Many thanks to those members who have volunteered to help with the dead moss clearance (for details of the work see the previous post repeated below). The work will start next Saturday morning with an arrival time 9 to 9.15 am. We will be serving tea, coffee and hot sausage rolls to the team.
More helpers would be very welcome – please contact Marion Gatland if interested.
The Green Team has now treated and killed a lot of the moss which we need to do in the effort to stop it getting on the green by footfall and wind blown spores.
The next move is to clear away the dead moss and re-edge the path around the green. Some tarmac areas will require repairs as a follow up to this operation.
For the work to be completed during the green closure period the Green Team need some help. One suggestion is a weekend working party. Any able bodied members who would be willing to help at a future date (to be arranged) are asked to contact Roger Gatland.