Message from the Competition Secretaries sent by e-mail to Playing Members today:
We are pleased to report that entries are sufficient to run all internal club competitions this year -except that we need one more entrant for the Ladies’ 2 Wood Pairs to give us 4 pairs.
The draw for the competitions will be taking place in the next week or so. It is anticipated that the earliest first-round completion date will be Sunday 27th June. Please let Sam Cates or Lyn Davison know if you wish to amend your entries – hopefully to compete in more! Also, if you have not identified your partner in the mixed/men’s championship/generation pairs competitions then please do so. Sam or Lyn can advise on who might be available to join you.
The £1.50 fee to enter each competition and internal leagues has been reduced to £1 for 2021 in appreciation of the high number of entries. The fee is used to cover the cost of trophy engraving and certificate printing. Once the draw is made John Davison will calculate what each member owes and collect it from them unless a BACS payment is preferred.