As the snow has stopped and travel conditions seem ok at present we aim to go ahead with today’s Drive. Quite understand though if people want to stay at home in the warm.
Thanks Marion Gatland for this super photo. John & Lyn Davison will do an inspection at RBC on Saturday morning to decide if it is safe to run the Short Mat Drive that afternoon. Watch this space!
Monty will be ordering a new supply of shirts after the Get Together on 29th March. If you want to add your name (and size) to those already requested then use the list on the Clubhouse notice board. Any questions to Monty please.
We have over 50 members and guests attending. The list is now closed and Michael will be confirming the number of fish suppers with the shop shortly so please contact Michael Wretham asap if you have any queries or can no longer attend.
The electrics are now up and running. All ok for this afternoon’s short mat. Well done Roger for arranging the work and attending site yesterday and today.