Text of e-mail sent to RBC Members:
The Reigate & Banstead Borough Council Planning Department has REFUSED the planning application from Cellnex UK for the proposed mast. The refusal letter gave the following grounds:
The proposed development of a 20m high lattice mast and associated works by reason of its
siting and appearance, specifically its excessive height and disproportionate scale and the
unattractive, utilitarian design in this location, alongside its proximity to nearby residential
dwellings, would be at odds with the surrounding area. Thereby, the proposed development
would represent an incongruous overly dominant installation, harmful to the character and
appearance of the area. This would be contrary to the provisions of policies DES1, OSR1 and INF3 of the Development Management Plan 2019.
We have been advised that Cellnex UK is looking into the question of an appeal and what steps it can take to make the proposal more acceptable.
Further information will be provided when available.
John Davison
Director, Redhill Bowling Club