The Directors of Redhill Bowling Club (RBC), in conjunction with the Club Captains and Green Team, have discussed this difficult situation and next steps to be taken. We have taken into account the Government coronavirus restrictions including those announced on 23rd March 2020.
It has been decided that the green and clubhouse will not be opened to members until further notice, and members are requested not to visit the club until they are advised otherwise. The Green Team under Ken Jupp’s management will endeavour to conduct minimum maintenance observing social distancing criteria.
Subscription income is a vital revenue source for RBC. As our Overhead costs do not cease, we are seeking some payment from members to help ensure the club’s viability. This is in accordance with Bowls England and Surrey County BA advice. This is entirely voluntary, and we ask members to make some contribution. 50% of the subscription fee appropriate to your membership type (Junior, Playing or Social) is suggested – but it can be less or more. Anything given in excess of 50% of the subscription fee will be most welcome and will be deemed a donation attracting Gift Aid. No century club entry or club/county competition fees are to be collected.
For members who have already paid their subscription their cheques will not be banked and will be returned when possible to do so. Unless you wish to pay this amount as a subscription and donation please send a replacement cheque made payable to Redhill Bowling Club to Gill Jarrett, 23 Windemere Way, Reigate RH2 0LW for any contribution you wish to make. Alternatively our BACS payment details can be provided upon request. Any cash payments made will be returned in full less any voluntary subscription and donation contribution you wish to make.
We sincerely hope that our next update will be more positive and we can look forward to our members enjoying our excellent green once again.
Any Green Team queries please to Ken Jupp, other queries please to John Davison or by e-mail to
Chair of Directors, Redhill Bowling Club 27th March 2020