All rounds are to be played by the dates given for each round. It will be the responsibility of the first-named pair to contact the second–named pair to arrange the date for the playing of the tie. In the event that a tie is not played by the date for that round both pairs will be eliminated and their next-round opponent will be awarded the tie. Any request for a delay in the playing of a tie must be made, giving sufficient cause, to the event organisers (i.e. the Chairman and Secretary of Redhill Bowling Club) whose decision will be final.
Each match will be played over 18 ends, All EBA rules will apply.
Two trial ends are permitted prior to the commencement of the tie.
Refreshments, minimum of Tea and Biscuits, are to be provided by the home team.
It is the responsibility of the winner of the tie to inform the Organiser Ames Brisley of the result of the tie – see belw.
All communication, i.e. the publication of the draw, contact details of participants and the notification of results of matches played will, primarily, be sent out and received by e-mail. The e-mail address to send results to is: