Book a Rink

30 bowlers are allowed on the green in a session. To allow us to monitor numbers please add to your booking details the names of bowlers taking part on your booked rink e.g . Roll Up J Davison, L Davison, S Cates .

Choose a date and time. (The number in brackets indicates the number of rinks left available to book) the time will turn green when selected.

Please note – when a green steward is not available for a session one rink will be booked to say “Keyholders Only – No Green Steward”. You can arrange for a keyholder to open and close up.

[ea_bootstrap service=”1″ show_remaining_slots=”1″]

After you confirm booking  you will see a DONE NOTICE. If your new booking is the current  week please refresh page to see new entry

[ea_full_calendar display_event_end = “1” time_format= “H:mm” default_view= “basicWeek” ]