TO BOOK A RINK (for instructions for invitations, matches or Teams see further down page)
You will see a page showing 7 days and 3 time slots (morning, afternoon and evening). Later weeks can be chosen. With your mouse pointer hover over a slot on the day when you would like to enter your booking and a very small dash will appear in the upper centre. Click on this and a window will appear where you enter your details. Fill this in as follows
CHOOSE SLOTS – enter the rink number you would like to play on – this may be overridden by the green steward on the day
CHOOSE GAME NAME * – from the drop-down menu choose type of game e.g. ROLL UP or CLUB SINGLES etc
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION : – This will only be visible when the box is clicked on and can be used for information like the name of the marker or adding the names of all the players if it is a pairs or triples
NAME OF THE OPPOSITION (OR PRACTICE) * – please keep this short i.e. a single name (any further information should be added to the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION box)
PROVISIONAL BOOKING – when this is selected your booking will be deleted after the selected period of 1,2 or 3 days unless confirmed (this is used in competitions when offering your opponent more than one time). To subsequently confirm a provisional booking just click on the booking and click on CONFIRM BOOKING
REQUEST SLOT – CLICK ON THIS TO COMPLETE YOUR BOOKING. Bookings can be edited by clicking on your own booking.
You have now made a booking!
INVITATION TYPE BOOKINGS– This can be used when you book a roll up and allow other members to add their name to the booking. To do this: Click on the time slot you want and then click on
CREATE INVITATION this will display the following options
CHOOSE SLOTS – enter the rink number you would like to play on (this may be overridden by the
rink steward on the day)
CHOOSE GAME NAME * there is only one option available ie Roll Up 8
INVITATION NAME – e.g. Steve Roll up (please keep this short)
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION : – This will only be visible when the box is clicked on and can be used for any other information finally click SAVE INVITATION
To join someone’s existing INVITATION just click on the booking and click the tick box for the next vacant player. Your name will be added automatically. Then click SAVE INVITATION.
TEAMS – For signing up and confirming availability for matches
Click on Teams in the top menu. you will see a list of all upcoming matches.
Click on View on the match you are interested in
If you are signing up your name will appear on the left. Make sure you click on the small box next to your name then click SAVE
Once the Team manager has selected the team emails are sent to the selected players, please confirm your availability by clicking on the yes /no box within the email.
If you are unable to play please also contact the team manager