Text of e-mail sent to members (via bcc):-
The Outdoor Season is almost with us.
Due to the heavy rainfall in the last month our green is quite soft. To limit possible damage to the green the Committee has decided to delay opening the green for a few days to dry out more fully.
The green will first open on Sunday 21st April at 2.30 pm for the Opening Drive. You can sign up for this event online, on the list in the Clubhouse or let Darren Rosser or John Kujawski you are coming. Teams will be organised on the day. Anne Currie and Ros Penton are arranging refreshments after the bowls. If you can bring a cake then please let one of them know.
The green will be available for roll ups on weekdays from Monday 22nd April. We are still finalising our Green Steward rota so some sessions especially evenings sessions may be for key holders only. The green is not normally available on mornings.
Please book your roll up on our Website/Rink Diary and Teams page where you will be able to check availability. You can now sign up online for our club matches in April & May.
The Green Team is busier than usual at this time of year. A few extra helping hands are always welcome for the many tasks on and around the green. Come along on a Tuesday or Friday morning from 9.30am unless there is heavy rain.