Text of e-mail sent to all members today:
Firstly, many thanks to all those who have renewed their membership and welcome to our 9 new playing members and welcome back to 3 playing members who didn’t play in 2022.
A reminder that the green will be open weekday afternoons and evenings from Wednesday 19th April (weather permitting). Booking online is necessary for club and county competitions and advisable but not essential for roll-ups.
We have no Green Steward on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, but key holders may play. Non key holders should check online on our Website Rink Diary to see whether the club has bookings on these two evenings if you plan to visit.
Our first Bowls Event is the Opening Drive on Sunday 23rd April – see the image below for more information. This is open to Playing and Social Members – many have signed up already. There is a sign-up sheet in the Clubhouse, or you can add your name on the Club Website, Rink Diary & Teams/Teams. Alternatively, let Sam Cates or Marion Gatland know.
So far, we have two offers to bring cake. If you can bring a cake or help with the catering, please contact Marion Gatland.
John Davison
Director, Redhill BC