With access to the Clubhouse currently restricted team selection is currently being done by the Captains and Vice Captains on Zoom.
The selections are then posted on the Team Selection page of the Club’s website and via a Facebook post. The target is that these are visible from 8.30 pm on the Wednesday before the match. Midweek matches will be selected the week before.
The teams for Dorking (2nd May) and Ashtead (6th May) are now visible there with necessary details. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE ASHTEAD MATCH STARTS AT 2.00 pm. Come in bowls clothes and early as parking is not plentiful. Dorking is Whites, Ashtead is Greys. Change your shoes at the venue. There is no catering but light refreshments are available.
If you have any questions/problems with your selection please contact Sam or one of the Captains’ Team – Lyn, Brian and Marion.
Thanks must go to Steve Whiting for designing and implementing the online selection system.