Help raise funds for Redhill Bowling Club using this facility recommended by Bowls England
It’s a very simple idea – when anyone connected to the club uses the easyfundraising website or app to shop online, the retailer they shop with sends our club a free donation at no extra cost to the shopper. Some retailers only donate for home deliveries and not “click & collect” e.g. Argos
You shouldn’t need to change where you shop online as many favourite retailers are involved, including Amazon, M&S, Sainsbury’s, eBay, Argos, John Lewis, Boots, Screwfix, Waitrose, Holland & Barratt and 4,300 other retailers. It’s completely free for both our club and our members and friends to use. It won’t cost you anything extra to shop this way as the retailers pay the donations, not the shoppers.
Just register an account with eastfundraising and search on which cause to support and select Redhill Bowling Club
Here is an example:
Ann is a member of the bowls club. She wants to buy a new kettle from John Lewis. Instead of visiting the John Lewis website, she firstly goes to the easyfundraising website and clicks on the ‘John Lewis’ link.
The easyfundraising website directs her to the John Lewis website where she shops as normal and buys her kettle. But because she started at easyfundraising John Lewis will send her club a free donation at no extra cost to Ann.